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Downloading free SolidWorks viewing software couldn't be simpler...

men looking at drawing

 Simply download free viewing software from http://www.edrawingsviewer.com/ and you will be able to review your project

As well as the assembly all the individual parts or sub-assemblies (features) which make up an assembly can be viewed individually by clicking on the components icon in the top left hand corner which activates the feature manager, from the listed features any individual feature can be opened by right mouse clicking on its icon and selecting new part document from the drop down menu.  You will be able to measure parts or distances using the measure icon providing that option has been authorised when the e-drawing file was created.


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3D Design 

3D Solid Modeling
Full ECAD-MCAD data exchange
Piping/Tubing Design


Assembly Simulation
Mechanism Analisis
Event-Based Motion
Simulate Natural Frequencies
Product Buckling or Collapse
Simulate Heating or Cooling
Simulate Drop Test
Simulate Fatigue
Simulate Plastic and Rubber Components
Simulate Composites
Simulate Forced Vibrations
Nonlinear Dynamics